My name is Amy and I am a SAHM of two little ones.
I like to keep things simple and am a DIY'er at heart. I like cooking from scratch, doing yard work, and playing with my kids. I usually have multiple projects going at once. I am good at over estimating what I can get done in a certain amount of time. I am constantly presented with the reality that things always take longer than you think, especially with little ones running around!
I am also a crafter and sewer. I have loved crafting and sewing since I was a little girl. I think I inherited the bug from my mom and grandma. I remember going to fabric stores with my grandma when I was little and loving it. She made many of her own clothes. I remember her sewing machine table loaded with all of it's goodies sitting against the window in her dining room. I would love looking in there to see what I could find. My mom was more of the crafter. But she too sewed, and has a very old Singer, also in it's own table, tucked in the corner of her bedroom.
I hope can find some fun, easy, useful projects and information on my blog!
Have a great day!